Rebecca Roberts
Rebecca Roberts has worked as a teacher, development officer and translator. She grew up near the sea in Prestatyn and still lives there with her husband and two children. She writes in Welsh and English, and is the author of seven novels. She won the Children and Young People category in the Book of the Year Award 2021 and the Tir na n-Óg Award 2021 with her first novel for young people, #Helynt. This is her first novel with Honno Press.
Mae Rebecca Roberts wedi gweithio fel athrawes, swyddog datblygu a chyfieithydd. Magwyd hi ger y môr ym Mhrestatyn, ac mae hi’n byw yno o hyd gyda’i gŵr a’i dau o blant. Mae hi’n ysgrifennu yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, ac yn awdures pump nofel. Enillodd y categori Plant a Phobl Ifanc yng Ngwobr Llyfr y Flwyddyn 2021 a Gwobr Tir na n-Óg 2021 gyda’i nofel gyntaf i bobl ifanc, #Helynt.