One Woman Walks Wales
Ursula Martin
18 months, 2 hospital appointments, 3700 miles later…
Having returned home for Christmas from time out travelling in Europe, what should have been a routine trip to the doctor left 31 year old Ursula with a diagnosis of Stage 1A Ovarian cancer. Only 36% of all UK women diagnosed with ovarian cancer will still be alive 5 years later.
Determined not to sink into self-pity Ursula decided that she would continue her travels and walk between her home in mid Wales and hospital appointments in Bristol. This decision led to her plan to walk Wales publicising the need for early detection for the disease which kills far too many patients due to ignorance of symptoms.
In the 17 months it took to walk Wales, Ursula’s journey took her across, around, up, over and through all of Wales from beaches to mountains, farms to urban sprawl. She met many sheep and a surprising number of walkers keen to accompany her for part of her journey. Ursula raised over £11,000 for her two chosen charities.
One Woman Walks Wales is a story of determination, tears and laughter, joy and pain, and a fascinating insight into not just one woman during a testing time, but a country, its landscape and its people.
Publication Date
15 February 2018