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Submissions & Guidelines

Calling Welsh Women Writers

We want to hear from you


We are currently open for submissions of fiction and non-fiction and are looking for writing from women writers living in Wales or with a Welsh connection.


Keep reading for more information on our specific call outs and working with Honno.



Our non-fiction titles are powerful and often poignant. We are interested to read non-fiction covering a range of subjects and are particularly interested in non-fiction with a strong connection to women and/or Wales.

Some of the non-fiction we’re currently hoping for:


Food Writing (see call out) | Women’s history   |   Welsh history   |   Welsh interest   |   Nature writing


We are also interested to hear proposals and pitches for non-fiction. All pitches for non-fiction should be sent to


We are passionate about stories that feature strong women and gripping plots. We publish all types of fiction and are particularly looking for the following genres:


Crime  |  Thriller  |  Romance  |   Historical  |   Humour  |   Literary  |   Horror  |   Fantasy  |  Science Fiction


We love stories that leave us breathless, keep us guessing and inspire us. We like bold characters, immersive worlds and unexpected plots.



Submissions & Guidelines

Honno's mission is to publish Welsh women writers – for the purposes of submission to Honno this means that you must be a woman born in Wales or resident in Wales at the time of submission. Honno also publishes titles of exceptional interest to women within Wales from writers who may not meet the first two criteria i.e. that they are female and that they are of Welsh birth or residence.


Submissions are open to all women writers. We would particularly like to encourage women from backgrounds under-represented in publishing. We are keen to hear from unagented, unpublished women writers in Wales, who may identify as Black, Asian or from a minority ethnic group, LGBTQ+, disabled or other groups not traditionally represented in the industry. We accept submissions in both the Welsh and English languages.



What’s it like to write for Honno?

Below are some frequently asked questions, but if you have a query that isn't answered here get in touch with us directly at


Do you accept unsolicited manuscripts?

When we’re open for submissions we do accept unsolicited manuscripts for both fiction and non-fiction in English and Welsh. Keep an eye on our website for specific call outs and to make sure we are open for submissions.


Do I need an agent?

We do not require you to have an agent. We love working directly with authors.


Do you pay advances?

We do pay advances for fiction and non-fiction.


Do you pay royalties?

Our standard royalty for all paperbacks is 10%.


Do I have to pay to have my book published?

Absolutely not. Honno covers the cost of production from editing through to printing and we will never ask you to pay to publish your book.


Who will be my editor?

We assign an editor based on your book and on our publication schedule. Sometimes this will be a contracted editor.


How long will it take for my book to be published?

Publication times vary from book to book. We work very hard to keep our schedule tight and on track and will agree a publication date at the earliest opportunity with you. We like to allow a minimum of 9 months for the production process.


How do you promote my book?

We create a marketing plan for every book and work closely with authors to make sure that the books we publish live up to their potential.


How do I get copies of my book?

All our authors are entitled to receive a number of free copies of their book as stipulated in their contracts. Thereafter authors can purchase further copies at a 40% discount.


Will my book be in bookshops?

Yes. Your book will be widely available throughout the UK.


Will my book be available online?

Yes. Your book will be available in paperback through sites such as Waterstones, and Amazon etc.


Will my book be an eBook?

Yes. We convert nearly all of our books into eBook and these are available at most online eBook retailers.


Will my book be turned into an audio book?

In the past Honno have published audio books. Currently we are exploring new opportunities into producing audio books for our future titles.


Will my book be entered for prizes?

We are very keen to enter our books into prizes and will work with you on what your book is eligible for.


Have your books ever won prizes?

Honno is proud to be a publisher of award-winning books.


Recently Cast a Long Shadow, the title short story from our 2022 crime anthology, won a CWA Dagger, Advent by Jane Fraser won the Paul Torday Prize 2022, Fannie by Rebecca F. John was shortlisted for Wales Book of the Year 2023.


Why should I publish with Honno?

Honno has spent almost 40 years championing Welsh women’s writing. We are passionate about providing opportunities for women in the arts and publishing books that we believe in. We have provided the launchpad for countless women wanting to break into publishing and start careers as authors and we’ve nurtured even more who have found a longer term home with us.


Any thing else I should know?

Honno was established in 1987 and is run by a committee of volunteers who bring a wealth of publishing experience to our press. We have three members of staff and publish 9-12 books a year.


We are funded by the Welsh Books Council and are a non-for profit press.


Ready to submit? Download our submissions guidelines below or see our specific call outs for further submission criteria and guidelines. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Commissioning Editor Rebecca Parfitt

I’m a varied reader and feel there is a time and place for most genres. I’m particularly interested in building a list of aspiring and diverse female perspectives; what feminism looks like post #metoo movement and progressive thought on gender politics, class, race, disability and religion. I’m also interested in the natural world and environmental issues – especially climate change. I’d love to read an eco-feminist book set in contemporary Wales, for example.
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